Los resultados de las votaciones para coders permanecerán visibles para ellos, pero no sabréis qué porcentaje pertenece a cada trabajo hasta finalizar las votaciones (que permanecerán abiertas hasta el día 3 de octubre inclusive, hora española). Además los votos se cachean, para que los porcentajes no varíen instantáneamente nada más emitir el voto. Hemos tomado estas medidas para mejorar la transparencia del concurso, y evitar los votos por interés.
Simplemente debéis elegir los 3 Homebrew que más os hayan gustado (el orden importa, el primero que elijáis recibirá más puntos) y darle a "VOTAR". Además, debéis enviar a la organicación del Scenery Beta 2011 ([email protected]) los motivos por los que habéis elegido esos trabajos, que se añadirán bajo esta misma encuesta. Si no enviáis los motivos a la organización, vuestra votación será considerada nula.
PS3 games
First - Botones Locos. It is dependent on LuaPlayer (specifically Beta 2.0 as it doesn't seem to work with 1.0) which is a bit annoying. If your PS3 display settings are changed to only allow games to play at 480p the graphics are distorted (it is clearly still trying to render at 1080p) and it becomes completely unplayable. Occasionally if a button is pressed quickly and not held down it won't register but I can't really be completely certain if that is the fault of the game, my controller or me. I don't personally think it is a very fun game but neither is Sketch Fight and generally speaking it works as it should.
Second - SneikPS3. It is dependent on LuaPlayer (specifically Beta 1.0 as it oddly doesn't seem to work with 2.0) which is again a bit annoying. It has the same problem with low resolutions. More importantly it is unplayably slow and unresponsive. It seems like it would be fun and the best of the three games but it is ruined by its terrible frame rate. This is probably all more the fault of the PS3 LuaPlayer then the game (I assume it probably plays fine on a PC) but considering that this is the PS3 section of the competition it's performance on a PS3 seems very relevant.
Third - Sketch Fight. It doesn't require LuaPlayer (it was programmed and compiled specifically for PS3) and if you count the update (which fixes the second players controls) it is totally playable. It isn't a great game but it works.