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Qual ps3

Voi comprar una ps3 agora e tengo 2 opciones

ps3 "refurbished" com custom firmware

ps3 "refurbished" com ps3 open



Podiam me dizer qual es mejor?

e qual a diferença?

Anuncios Google

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Imagen de Nevado0

Podrias escribir un poco

Podrias escribir un poco mejor tu post porque no te puedo ayudar si no te entiendo -.-"


i understand spanish but writting isn´t as easy


i want to buy a ps3 but i don´t know the diference between open ps3 and custom firmware


Could you please explain?

Imagen de Nevado0

  I will not speak much


I will not speak much English, I will try to use the translator = D I think you mean you want to hack your ps3, I recommend that you use the CFW Kmeaw because of its simplicity and ease of use, you simply have to stop by the official news Kmeaw, if not quite understand the steps to install it, I can I try to ask help to the translator = D

 Click en la imagen si kieres un avatar o una firma tan espectacular como los mios =P.

Psp 2001 Gen d3 + Memory stick 4 gb

Ps3 Fat 60GB + CFW Rebug 3.55 + Disco duro externo 250 GB+ Multiman

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